Old fisherman gets new boat

Friday, January 25, 2008

Sannyang Winkle Club, in collaboration with Banjul Hash Harriers, on Thursday, donated a boat, which is valued at over ten thousand dalasis, to one Magaye Faal, a fisherman residing in Sanyang Village at a ceremony held at the Sanyang beach .

According to the philanthropists, the donation is part of their unflinching support to the welfare and well-being of Gambians especially to the people of Sanyang village.

‘‘Previous donations covered areas relating to disaster relief for fire victims, wheelchairs for disabled persons and others,’’ John Smith, a member of the club revealed.

In handing over the boat, John Smith, a British national, said he has been coming to the Gambia for nearly 23 years, and expressed the clubs’ readiness to give more support in the near future.

In addition, he pointed out that the club comprises of different nationalities drawn from the United Kingdom, Holland, and Germany. According to him, the donors, who are currently residing in The Gambia, have decided to get together in order to foster relationships with Gambians. Their main aim, he noted, is to complement government efforts in the drive to improve the livelihood of Gambians.

In a simialr vein, Ton .V. Hinte, another member of the Winkle Club, outlined the need to help the recipient of their humanitarian action, as the old man is a breadwinner for 15 family members.

“We didn’t hesitate to provide a brand new fishing boat for him so as to enable him to overcome the domestic problems,’’ he noted.

Magaye Faal, the beneficiary, thanked Ton V. Hinte and the club for transforming his life and making his dreams become a reality. He also added that he only wishes them success in their endeavours. He finally assured them that he will make best use of the donated boat.

Author: by Sheriff Barry