Senegalo-Gambian Joint Ministerial Meeting Issue Strong Communiqué

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Delegates to the joint Senegalo-Gambian inter-ministerial meeting have finally adopted a strong communiqué putting in place agreements on pertinent issues of mutual concern between the two countries.

The communiqué is the outcome of a two-day inter-Ministerial meeting held at the Kairaba Beach Hotel from the 1st – 2nd November 2007 at the instruction of their Excellencies, Alhagie Dr. Yahya Jammeh and Maitre Abdoulie Wade, President of the Republic of The Gambia and Senegal respectively.

The two delegations to the forum led by Hon. Crispin Grey-Johnson and Dr. Cheikh Tijan Gadio, Foreign Affairs Ministers of The Gambia and Senegal respectively, discussed issues of mutual concern in three different committees.

On the issue of trade, The Gambia and Senegal agreed to exchange information on trade matters. A draft trade agreement between the two countries was submitted by The Gambia to the Senegalese authorities and the reaction to the draft would be forthcoming in due course.

Pertaining to the transport sector, the Gambian delegation proposed the signature of a new road transport agreement before the end of 2007, consequent on the fact that the agreement signed in 2004 had not been adequately implemented. It was further agreed that a meeting be held in Dakar on 20th November 2007 to finalise a new agreement.

The question of the proposed construction of a bridge to enhance transportation between the two countries was raised but was referred to the forthcoming Joint Consultative Committee.

In the six-page communiqué jointly signed by the two Foreign Affairs ministries, delegates reiterated their determination on issues of security to fully implement the conventions signed by them in relation to extradition matters.

In this regard, the two sides will examine the procedures pertaining to the implementation of requests for extradition and will therefore exchange information in this respect as soon as possible.

Regarding immigration matters, both parties agreed to engage their respective personnel at the borders to allow the free movement of people and goods.

For the waiver on Aliens’ Cards, the two sides agreed that the request be submitted to Gambian authorities through diplomatic channels.

On the issue of Senegalo-Gambian Permanent Secretariat, it was agreed that the sub-committee should meet to decide on the salient points essential to addressing all outstanding issues.

Meanwhile this meeting will be followed by a meeting of the Consultative Committee in December 2007 in Dakar and a Summit of Heads of State shortly thereafter.

Author: By Baboucarr Senghore
Source: The Point