D2 million Mosque opened at Sukuta Banni

Friday, March 21, 2008
A new mosque with an interior capacity of more than a thousand worshippers was opened at Sukuta Banni ward, in Sukuta, Kombo North, on Friday, 14th March, 2008. The modern edifice which replaced the previous mud-block structure was financed by Gambian businessman and philanthropist, Mr. Sanna Fatty, of Samikoto village, Kantora.  Mr. Jaiteh would not say how much he spent on the project, but Deputy Imam Sulayman Sabally believes it is more than D2 million dalasi.

The opening ceremony on Friday was attended by prominent religious leaders and thousands of worshippers from all over the country.  The Imam of Sukuta Central Mosque, Alhaji Ismaila Beye, who laid the foundation stone of the project six months ago, also led the inaugural Jumma prayer. In his sermon, Imam Beye emphasised the importance of the five daily prayers in Islam, saying that prayer is the principal distinction between believers and non-believers.

Two members of the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council, Ba Kawsu Fofana and Essa Darboe, both commended Mr. Sanna Fatty for using his resources in the service of Allah and appealed to other Muslims to emulate his example.  They said the building of mosques and educational institutions have unlimited blessings from Allah. They also stressed the importance of Muslims observing their prayers in mosques when ever they can.

The Imam of Sukuta Banni, Alhaji Yaya Saidy, and other members of the local mosque committee, have expressed immense joy at the completion of the mosque which Mr. Jaiteh offered to build when the local the community was trying to raise funds to replace the small mud-block structure they have used for the past eight years.

Mosque Committee Chairman Mr. Alhamdou Conteh, told our reporter that now that the mosque is complete, the Committee is appealing to other Muslims and NGOs in the country to help bring water and electricity supplies to the building.  He said all the electrical installations have been made but the mosque needs to be connected to the grid.    

Source: The Point