85 Ahmadi women concludes training

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The second Ahmadi Girls annual four-day training session has been successfully concluded at the Baitus Salam Mosque in Talinding. The training which attracted over eighty-five children was organised by Lajna Ima’ullah, The Gambia. 

In his closing remarks, Baba F Trawally, the Amir of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in The Gambia, advised the participants to take the training seriously.  He said that this training class for girls is of particular importance due to the fact that women play a pivotal role in the shaping of a society saying “You are future mothers” .

According to him, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said “Paradise lies under the feet of mothers”, adding that this lays a heavy responsibility on women to train their children in the best Islamic traditions so as to positively change the community, society and humanity at large.

“Women should therefore show a high sense of dedication in including the teachings of Islam in their lives.  As children, you should therefore learn to dedicate yourselves to the Jamaat and learn its traditions,” he advised while urging the children to respect their parents and teachers and make good use of their time. 

He also urged them to pay attention to both their academic and spiritual training and requested for them to pray for His Holiness, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (ATBA), the Jamaat and The Gambia.

For her part, Ndey Mariam Correa saluted Lajna Ima’ullah, The Gambia for organizing this very important training.  She thanked the parents of the participants for allowing their children to take part in the training program. 

Other speakers included Alhagie Bah, national secretary, Ta’leem, who spoke on the importance of attaining quality education. 
Oustass Syed Saed Ul Hassan Shah, missionary-in-charge, The Gambia, coordinated the class.

During the training, important topics such as Salaat, Yassarnal Quran, innovations of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), history of Islam and history of Ahmadiyya were discussed at length.  The children were also instructed in personal hygiene. Sporting activities were also included in the program schedule. 

Additionally, during the entire period, congregational Tahajjud prayers were offered regularly.

It can be recalled that in early August, the 3rd annual boys training class was conducted and organised by the youths of the Jamaat at Baitus Salam Mosque, Talinding with an attendance of 120 people and similar training programmes were also conducted in all the six regions of the country and were equally concluded successfully.

Author: DO