Tawuto to Get Nursery School Soon

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

In what could be described as a leap forward in complementing government’s efforts in  bringing quality education to the doorsteps of Gambians,   Join Hands UK,   an organisation comprising dedicated Gambians based in UK,  is on the verge of constructing a modern nursery in Tawuto village in Kombo North, Western Region of the Gambia. 

Speaking at a stakeholder meeting held at the village on Saturday Mr George Gomez, one of the initiators of the project, informed the gathering that they have concluded all arrangements to construct a nursery school in Tawuto,  adding that if all goes according to plans  they would  kick-start the project in the not distant future.

However for the successful implementation of the project, Mr Gomez   argued that the community must take ownership of the project by actively participating in the construction work.  

For their part, a two-member delegation from the UK, Mr Nigel Crocher and Caroline MC Nally- Johnson expressed their determination in seeing their dream of helping the people of Tawuto comes true.

They further revealed that   the members of Gravesend and Dartford Area Youth Teams in Kent, the UK are currently busy drumming financial supports for the project. He also revealed that a 15- member delegation from the UK would be visiting The Gambia in mid October in order to join forces with the Scout Group of Tawuto in the construction of the building.

Mr Paul Victor Mendy, a representative of the village Alkalo expressed his village’s commitment to the realization of the project. He pledged that they would provide free labour during the course of the construction, adding that they have already   made 5,000 blocks.

Mrs Hawa Sambou, a member of the Project Committee commended the donors for the initiative, describing the project as relevant and timely.

Author: By Nfamara Jawneh
Source: The Point