Nextel GPS

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Nextel GPS cell phones have a reputation as some of the best in the US cell phone market. They are reasonably priced and these units allow you to make whatever phone calls that you want, but you can also do some web surfing, enjoy some of your favorite games to pass the time, and even use some Microsoft products on some models. How about the latest feature, GPS technology? Nextel GPS. Here you will find out exactly what it is and if it is something you need, or just want.

Nextel GPS piggybacks on the widely known GPS or Global Positioning Satellite equipment. GPS technology uses GPS receivers to receive information from 24 satellites orbiting the Earth in space. However they are called receivers for a reason. The communication is one way. The receivers cannot transmit.

Cell phones that contain Nextel GPS technology will prevent you from losing your cell phone. If you happen to lose your cell phone, you can easily log on to Nextel's website and track your phone. Yes, it is that simple! After you find your phone, you can then go and get it. Maybe you left it at a friend’s house, your local bar, or maybe it was stolen. In that case report it to the police. Keep in mind that if your phone is off or the battery is drained, you should to take the necessary steps to get your phone back as soon as possible.

You are also able to read directions on your phone. The direction system Nextel uses is an improvement over other systems, even better than Mapquest. It enables you to read maps directly on your phone.

The only way to take advantage of this is to get a Nextel phone with GPS option. Although they may be a little larger than standard cell phones, it is only due to the extra technology contained within. These phones can cost anywhere from $10 to over $300. The more you pay, the more features you get. Voice activation, color screens, and Bluetooth technology are some of the most common extras.

If you want the convenience of a cell phone and the ability to track your phone if lost, and get directions anytime you need them, then a Nextel GPS phone is right for you.

Wayne MacLean is an avid hiker, snowshoeing enthusiast, and loves the outdoors. He is a writer for both online and offline businesses.

By: Wayne Maclean
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