Coalition Jubanti Senegal Vow to Conquer Wade

Tuesday, February 6, 2007
The Campaign Manager of the coalition Jubanti Senegal, Mamadou Ndoye, has vowed to conquer Maitre Abdoulaye Wade in the forthcoming presidential election in Senegal.

Speaking on his campaign on Saturday, Mamadou Ndoye said that they have not regretted forming a coalition with Wade but added that the only thing they regretted was associating with Abdoulie Wade in person.

Mr. Ndoye revealed that in the forthcoming elections his party leader, Abdoulaye Bathily, would not support anybody, adding: “You have tried for 40 years with the Parti Socialiste, it didn’t work. You again tried for 7 years with the Parti Democratique Senegalaise of Abdoulaye Wade, it was a disaster,” said Mr. Ndoye.

He pointed out that now they are witnessing the dismantling of the National Assembly for the fact that Abdoulaye Wade is using the National Assembly to enact laws for his own benefit.

He also accused President Wade of extending the mandate of the National Assembly whose term in office had ended a long time ago. “ His personnel are incompetent and lack experience in the running of the state resulting to numerous arrests and jailing of people on the basis of hearsay. We are all in house arrest and any day he can get up and send us to jail,” he concluded.


Wade, Idrissa Supporters Clash in Parcelles
Tuesday 6th February 2007

By Namory Trawally

The 2007 presidential campaign in Senegal was marked with violence last Sunday at the Parcelles Assainies in Dakar.

The ugly scene occurred between supporters of the ruling PDS of Abdoulaye Wade and the militants of Rewmi of former Prime Minister Idrissa Seck.

The two parties supporters clashed when some militants of PDS headed by Minister Lamine Ba met supporters of Idrissa Seck on their way to Grand Dakar for their usual walking in the streets as he official launching of their campaign.

Supporters of both parties threw stones to each other resulting to some casualties.


Idrissa, Djibo Ka Betray Opposition in the Final Battle
Tuesday 6th February 2007

By Namory Trawally

Mamadou Ndoye of the coalition Jubanti Senegal did not hide his unhappiness with the return of former Prime Minister, Idrissa Seck, to the ruling Party Democratque Senegalaise of Maitre Abdoulaye Wade.

According to the Campaign Manager of Jubanti Senegal, Djibo Ka and Idrissa Seck’s decision’s to cut off with the opposition and declare a possible link with the ruling party, came at a time when the opposition is united against the ruling party, PDS. He added that the timing of their withdrawal from the opposition really tantamounts to a betrayal.

“ As I speak, Djibo Ka’s supporters have decided to quit him and the same scenario is awaiting Idrissa Seck too,” he revealed.

Mr. Ndoye added that even President Wade does not seem anxious about their recent activities, saying that it is a good sign for the Senegalese people to identify more credible opposition leaders.


Idrissa Seck Launches Campaign in Dakar
Tuesday 6th February 2007

By Moahmed Mboyo in Dakar

Since Sunday, Senegalese presidential candidates are campaigning in order to win what analysts called the battle of the century.

Abdoulaye Wade, the incumbent, have to fight against 14 opponents such former prime ministers, Idrissa Seck and Mustapha Niasse, the socialist flag bearer, Ousmane Tanor Dieng, to name but a few. In this race, candidates try to make difference in their electoral strategies. But Dakar was this Sunday the most electrified place in Senegal.

Idrissa Seck , Rewmi’s leader, started his rally with a walk trough the streets of Dakar in an Orange canival,The procession, which left its residence of Point E, stopped for about more than one hour in Acapes football field, in Parcelles Assainies when an immense crowd stormed the ground, creating a big environment. His partisans, wearing white tee-shirts with his picture helped to heat the environment.

Idrissa Seck, seized the opportunity to mark his distance with Abdoulaye Wade, even if he made come back in the father’s house last week.

Addressing sea of militants, he demonstrated his willingness for a change, as, according to him, Abdoulaye Wade liberal regime fail to transform Senegalese society and could not meet people demands.

He recognized his responsibility for being a major pillar in the change occurred in Senegal in 2000. Worst, according to him, it is “a misery each day larger”. The many corpses of the young Senegalese, who strew the Spanish coasts, are a sign, in his opinion, of evident of the failure of the liberal mode vis-a-vis of the social request of Senegalese population. This is why Idrissa Seck thinks “that one need a generation of change “, which change, he intends to carry out, once elected as the head of state.

At the end of his speech, the caravan shook through the streets of Parcelles Assenies, where to clear a passage became a true course of the combatant. All along the walk, an immense and multicolored crowd, which masses along the highways, cried of joy from everywhere? Some people standing from their story building and balcones of the houses tried to make Idrissa Seck understand that they are here for him and he is their hope. ‘’ Idy ya koo yoor’’, could be heard from almost everywhere.
Shaking their arms its arms without stopping, without separating himself with his eternal smiling. Across Dakar streets the caravan reached, sympathizers made a point of showing their attachment to their leader. Even passengers from public transport incline themselves towards the windows to stress: “ Idy, Ya koo yoor!” (You are the only hope). The boldest militants defied safety to go to tighten the hand of Idrissa Seck. Arrived at the fish market of Grand Medina, about 100 meters from Léopold Sédar Senghor stadium, the saleswomen forgot their business and threw their fish in the air and were shouting: “You are our hope!” “Ablaye Wathiale, Idy yék” (Wade Step Down for Idy!)

. The procession later engulfed in the streets of Grand Yoff, through the market and later to Liberte 6 before finally moving back to Point E, with a stop at the popular district of Grand Dakar.
Author: By Namory Trawally
Source: The Point
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