Woman Loses Right Eye In Lovers’ Tiff

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

According to news monitored on a Senegalese newspaper, L’Observateur, one Sokhna Sall lost her right eye and could be completely blind after having had acid splashed on her face by one Seynabou Kebe, with whom she had a scuffle. Sokhna was suspected of having an affair with the ex-husband of Seynabou Kebe, Amadou Diop, who is a younger brother to the late husband of Sokhna Sall.

According to eye witnesses, Sokhna, a widow with three children, got her face seriously burnt with acid and is being presently hospitalised whiles Seynabou Kebe is helping the police in their investigations.

The incident, which happened recently in Yoff, Dakar when the duo reportedly met at a naming ceremony, is still a subject of outcry as it has shocked residents of the area.

“It was during a naming ceremony that we met. Amadou Diop invited me to take photograph with him and Seynabou Kebe started insulting me and threatened to kill me. All of a sudden, Seye Kebe came and poured acid into my eyes,” said Sokhna, whiles speaking to journalists shortly after the incident.

Source: The Point