“Imagine if you could consult an astrologer that could tell you exactly what career you are suited for!” This vision is no longer the future. It has been released today. So far with 2 career groups: Scientists and politicians. By combining astrology with artificial intelligence (also known as neural networks) Eskild Rasmussen from Denmark has been able to create a tool that can identify a profession with very high accuracy - something that has never been done before.
A neural network is a computer program that unlike other computer programs can be trained to perform a task, which in most cases is some kind of pattern recognition. Eskild Rasmussen has baptized his neural network AstroMate. Based on a natal chart AstroMate can identify a profession from other unrelated professions, like e.g. scientists from politicians. At present AstroMate finds it hard to distinguish related professions like e.g. scientists from writers or politicians from actors - but it is only a matter of time, before AstroMate can deal with these finer nuances.
The success with AstroMate means that astrology can now be proven with scientific means. When dealing with professions which are not related, AstroMate is 100% precise. So far no scientific institutions has accepted to test AstroMate although Eskild Rasmussen has made plenty of enquiries.
AstroMate requires that the charts are very exact before they can be processed; this means that the charts have to be rectified first. Rectification means moving the birth time according to dates and locations for major events in the chart holder's life. In other words: By finding the important events in a person's future chart, the astrologer can find the exact birth time.
The rectification procedure has been published in 2008 in the book "Neoastrology I - How to Make Exact and Precise Predictions" (http://www.lulu.com/content/2100735 ). Of course an astrologer, who masters rectification can also make very accurate predictions, which again can be tested by scientists under controlled conditions.
Eskild Rasmussen