Foods That Are Good For Your Skin

Monday, October 15, 2007

You can’t deny that you’re inundated with models every day. They’re on billboards, tv, and magazines. Have you ever noticed what all of them have in common? It’s not hair color, race, or even size. Even the most unique models have beautiful, glowing skin. If you want to look great, you can’t overlook the most noticeable part of your body: your skin.

While people all over the world spend billions on dollars on skin care products every year, the easiest way to get great skin is by eating right. If you’re properly hydrated and nourished, it will show all over your body.

Water is the most important ingredient for healthy skin. We all know that drinking enough water will prevent dry skin, but it also washes away waste products and other harmful chemicals from cells. Without water, these toxins build up, and make skin look dull and unhealthy. Lack of water can also leave you looking puffy and bloated because cells try to hang on to the water they have. Be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep skin glowing.

It’s also important to eat foods high in Vitamins A, C, and E. These are all powerful antioxidants. This means they fight off free radicals you’re exposed to through pollution and the sun. Since your skin takes the brunt of the damage from these sources, it important to have antioxidant protection if you want great skin.

To get enough of these nutrients, you need to have a variety of different foods in your diet. Vitamin A is found in eggs, milk, apricots, nectarines, spinach, and several orange vegetables. Try citrus fruits to get your boost of vitamin C. You can find Vitamin E in whole grains, green leafy vegetables, and certain fish. If what you eat isn’t enough, try a daily multivitamin to boost results.

Another key ingredient for beautiful skin is a diet high in fiber. Fiber is essential for cleaning toxins out of your digestive system so they don’t reach the rest of the body. You can get fiber naturally from whole grains, dried fruit, beans, and certain vegetables. Most people don’t get enough fiber, so upping your intake is probably a good plan regardless.

Sugar not only rots teeth and expands waistlines; it also hurts your skin. Excess sugar can cause skin to become less elastic and less firm. With time, skin becomes wrinkled and saggy. To avoid the symptoms of sugar withdrawal, try cutting your intake back slowly.

You’ve probably heard that there are good fats and bad ones. Eating more good fats will not only help you lose weight and feel better, it will help you look better too. Try to eat more omega-3 fats, which are found in coldwater fish and flaxseed and walnut oils. If you don’t think you can eat a lot of fish, you can supplement your diet with fish oil pills.

Not only can eating a healthy diet improve the quality of your skin, it can also improve the quality of your life. Eating right will help you feel better and live longer.

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Take action today towards keeping your skin and body healthy! Learn more at:

Author: Submitted By: Mila Sidman & Alice Seba
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