Helio Ocean Overview

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Helio Ocean is an impressive device for the mobile next generation of the Helio Phone. The Helio phone is aimed directly at the hip crowd, and the Helio Ocean is believed to have a huge impact on the young people who have the money to spend on new cool electronics.

The new Helio phone is made of a two-way sliding mechanism, which gives the device the power of a phone keypad as well as of a full QWERTY keyboard. The combination of these devices gives the Helio Ocean the depth and mass that most typical phones lack in. The keyboard is believed to be one of the best on the market for a device of this nature. The keys are in such a way spaced that even people with bigger fingers can easily hit just one button at a time. This is a very big deal for the Helio Ocean, as many people experience this problem with practically all other smart phones they use. For instance, the Blackjack can be a nuisance to type on almost any phone due to the crowding on the keyboard, but not so much with the Helio Ocean.

As far as the features are concerned, the new Helio phone has a lot in common with its predecessors, the Drift and Heat. The user interface can be navigated via a circular design, the contacts being placed in the center, indicating that human interconnections are at the center of this heliocentric universe. The Helio Ocean carries the much appreciated GPS functionality, a leading feature of the Helio phone. However, it should be noted that this feature runs much quicker and much better on the Helio Ocean than in any of its previous siblings.

The GPS integration of the Helio Ocean phone is very much appreciated. The technology proliferates wider and wider, thus devices such as the buddy beacons are to become excellent methods of communication. Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to see where all of your friends are on a Saturday night? Well, you can with the Helio Ocean. It is also expected that location comments will develop so people will be able to send messages pinned to specific GPS coordinates. Thus, attaching a message letting your Helio friends know the cool hip places you’ve visited.

Some people have asked, “Why doesn’t the Helio Ocean have WiFi?” It’s because our EV-DO 3G runs off a lightning fast network. It’s more reliable, and is available through out the nation. Unlike WiFi, you don’t have to park in front of Starbucks in order to get a signal or pay $10 bucks at an airport to connect to their network. The Helio phone functions on the Sprint and Verizon networks. It’s the best of both worlds, and works excellent for wireless broadband. This phone supports Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, as well as Gmail, and Windows Live E-mail.

The great thing about the Helio Ocean, is that it is considerably smaller than the Sidekick, but at the same time, it maintains the entire core features, while also contributing a few of its own, such as the GPS. Today, the people who didn’t praise the Sidekick because of its size will enjoy the Helio Ocean. It’s a widely functional media device with massive hipster appeal. The Helio Ocean is definitely cool to whip out in public and have everyone stare at it (drooling) from across the room.

Article Source: http://www.myarticlemall.com

The Helio Ocean is considered the best phone on the market today as it manages to preserve the characteristics of any other Helio Phone and provide the latest technology.

By: DavidYuri