Getting Your Aging Brain Back In Youthful Shape

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

By: Wendy Baker

Forgetting THINGS? Can’t remember names? It’s possible to reverse many of the indications that the brain is aging.

There are now a number of mental fitness programs available. There are online programs you can access from your chair in front of your computer, for as little as $10 a month. Upscale programs for hand held devices can run as high as $400. They are all geared to be a sort of "stair-master" for the brain, instead the muscles.

Want check some of these programs out for yourself? Here are some brand names: MindFit, Happy Neuron, Brain Fitness and Lumosity. Here’s a caution: don’t accept promotional literature and ads on their face value. You’ll get a lot of hype. So, investigate before you invest. Make sure you get some success stories that are "real."

What is important here is the facts that an aging brain does not mean the end of cognitive "health." The use of video games and other stimulants you can access from your home is a growing industry. As we all get older, we certainly need anything to help us reverse what is often a decline in how sharp our thinking is.

The good news is that these video games show results. In the past year and a half there is now proof that brain-training exercises work. They can and do stimulate thinking and memory. There are all sorts of trials going on. And, the happy news for people over 65 is that these stimulating "games" show good results. Of course, this is a fairly new industry. Improvements are always on the horizon. But the upshot is- what is available is often much better than doing nothing.

Again, investigate the various "games" and software available. Ask for results and proof before you spend money.

Aging Perfectly has a goal to not discuss"anti-aging" instead, we focus on better living regardless of age! Visit us at

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