Blogging 101 - A Beginners Guide

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

People who enjoy reading blogs will find a circle of blogs that entertain, inspire, and make them think or laugh. That's the nature of blogs - an old post is a stale post. Of course, some well ranked blogs get plenty of visitors but most don't. You try to post a comment on everyone's blogs at least once a day. Small, niche businesses can use blogs to build customer loyalty and create new sales opportunities, particularly when their product has broad appeal. Again, there are professionals and specialists who use blogs to serve a proper and beneficial purpose. As clients read the blogs of their favorite business or corporation, they develop a level of trust because the corporation in question is sharing important information with them. Today, blogs run the gamut from personal, educational, political, promotional, etc.


However, since you have a blog with over 20 pages of content and a focused topic, it would not be long until you will be accepted. There are sources that indicate one needs to have at least 20 pages of content, together with fulfilled criteria such as page design and topic relevance, before being accepted by Google. 2) You have created at least 20 pages of content and set to “archive daily”. If you are not adding content to your web site every day, you stand a very real chance of losing your place in the Google search results. The quality of your blog’s content is directly related to how well you have defined your ideal audience. If you create content they like and wish to return to read, you have quality content.This will help you network and create a wider context as well as content for your blog. The structure of a blog, and the fact that most of them automatically generate content feeds, also make them the best food for your friendly neighborhood search engine spider.


Doing this regularly over time will prove to your readers that you’re an expert. Blogs also allow readers to respond to the author's posts, provide additional information, links, expanded opinions, and more. In short, an active "blog" creates an interactive community with the author as the hub and the readers as the spokes of the wheel that keep the whole cycle turning round. Blogs that allow "comments" enable readers to respond and elaborate on the information posted by the blog owner. No sooner the site was updated; he would get responses back from readers around the globe. It shows readers that you are a good source of information that they can count on. In it, I give my readers various resources, information to help their businesses, and links to websites that I find interesting. Readers can comment directly onto your blog, creating interaction and interest.


From then on when you make an entry to your blog it'll automatically log itself onto msn and yahoo and broadcast itself to the web in addition to your rss feeds. RSS is the perfect communication tool. You can have your team post to the blog from email, create and syndicate your blog as an RSS feed, and a whole lot more. You can paste in scores of articles in advance, and RSS to Blog will faithfully post them to your blog. An RSS tool is one that can deliver the technology where it is required. The RSS latest news suggests that RSS can stand for 'Really Simple Syndication', 'Rich Site Summary' or probably other interpretations of the acronym.


There is blogging – and there is niche blogging. Just make sure that such program is offering some products that cater to the niche you have chosen. You have created a blog and your blog is dedicated to a niche industry. Blog needs to be dedicated to a niche market. Before Starting Since this series has plenty to do with Internet Business, I am going to assume that you have already decided on what your niche is, bought your web hosting and domain name, and hopefully, you also have a product to sell (optional), may it be yours or other people’s. For each unique marketing hook, product and service, your business blog can tap in, that’s how many niche markets you can serve. Then you’ll name your blog – and while it’s best to use relevant keywords for your niche inside the title, make sure it evokes a sense of curiosity among web surfers who stumble upon your blog.

You can read the complete report on Blogging 101, A Beginners Guide in the Blogs section of Goto Reports.

Author: By Stanley Morse
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