Video Conversion to DVD of Your Family Movies

Thursday, August 16, 2007

At the last holiday, gathered around the family table, you and your relatives reminisced about the old vacations, smiled, and laughed about "remember that time when... !" All of you started to talk about how great it would be to get together again and look at all of those old movies, but aren't they on old VHS tape or even projector film?

Before you know it you're elected to get all of those memories on DVD. Crawl around the attic, go visit Uncle Jim, and gather up all of the movies in all of their different formats, VHS tape, Betamax, slides, and film. Then you think about how to get all of that dusted off and converted to DVD... Where to start?!

There is a lot of video conversion software available. You may be leery of this undertaking, as I would be. Video conversion can be a big challenge, and you may not trust your amateur skills with the available software and hardware out there. It may take a certain amount of time and research, but the video conversion from VHS to DVD can be done easily with a little help from the Internet and finding a great lab to convert those movies for you.

Video duplication can be hectic if you are trying to save the family films but don't really know what you're doing. There are many helpful instructionals and websites that can help you perfect a certain technique, though if you don't want to risk the family memoirs on your novice skills, then you might want to consult a professional.

There are ideas and skills that can only be learned through experience or trial and error, and professional full-service video conversion and duplication labs know what they are doing and are worth considering. Many professional video conversion labs have been in business for a long time and have years of conversion and video duplication experience under their belt. Don't you want your family memories trusted to a professional service?

These labs also understand international video standards conversion. These standards allow for a certain measure of equality when trying to create the best of the best. It is not meant to be an easy task, as when doing anything that can take time and precision to accomplish well. Let's face it - these companies convert video every day. They know how to do the job, and do it well.

While the professional lab has your tape or film, you should go ahead and have them make many copies. Have them duplicate those home movies to DVDs, and pass the DVDs around to everyone. All of the cousins can take their own copy home!

For a great video duplication onto DVD, I strongly recommend going the professional route instead of doing it yourself. Do your research on the web and choose a professional to convert your VHS footage into DVD format. The professional labs can convert and duplicate your DVDs for everyone in the family to enjoy for years to come.

Author: Author: Anna Woodward
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