Losing Weight On A Busy Schedule

Monday, December 18, 2006
You know you want to lose weight but when you’re so busy running from home to work and back, how do you do it? Is it even possible with so much going on? You can lose weight while keeping a busy schedule but it does require extra planning and foresight. The most difficult part to manage is fitting exercise into the day but with just a few small changes it can be done.

You should start by thinking about how much weight you want to lose. Many people expect to start a program and drop pounds almost immediately, and then become discouraged when it doesn’t happen. If you have more than five to ten pounds to lose, be prepared to spend six months or longer working toward your ultimate goal. Even if you do only need to lose five pounds, you should still allow more than a few weeks to see it disappear. As it has been said so often, the last five pounds is often the most difficult to lose, but with patience, a good diet, and plenty of aerobic exercise, it can be done.

The most successful dieters all have some characteristics in common. First, they all include regular exercise in their schedules, regardless of how busy the day may be. Exercise is necessary to burn calories and fat, and one dash up the stairs isn’t going to do it. For maximum fat burn you should exercise a minimum of 45 minutes per day and more would be excellent. Before you panic, the 45 minutes does not have to be all at once.

Research has shown that short, intense bursts of exercise can be just as effective as one long workout, so all you have to do is fit in several short segments of exercise throughout your day. Try walking around your office’s parking lot during your lunch break or walking up four flights of stairs to your office rather than taking the elevator. If you are one of the fortunate employees whose companies provide fitness facilities on site, make the most of it! Either arrive early to workout, shower, and change before work, or hang around afterward to get in your exercise. Company fitness facilities are absolutely wonderful since most include not only workout machines but saunas, fully equipped locker rooms, and even the occasional swimming pool.

Other ways to get your 45 minutes of fat-burning exercise in is to purchase a few small fitness items to keep in your office and use several times daily. Good choices for office fitness equipment include hand weights (which often come with their own storage rack), resistance bands, and yoga mats. You may want to consider a jump rope but obviously bring a change of clothing since it can be rather too intense for the office. Set your computer to give an alarm four times throughout the day to remind you to get up and exercise. Even just ten minutes of weight lifting or resistance training four times throughout the day adds up to forty minutes! That’s fantastic!

You will probably find it easiest to do your aerobic exercise outside of the office. If your schedule permits you to attend gym classes several times during the week, take a high intensity class that keeps your heart pumping for thirty minutes or longer. Another excellent option is to swim.
Swimming is one of the most powerful exercises for shaping the body fast. Since the body is supported by water, your muscles receive a better workout since they must propel you through the water. Swim for 45 minutes three to four times a week and you will see results within three weeks. For those who can’t get to the gym or a pool, go for a run or a fast power-walk on your street. Incorporate arm movements into your walk to boost your heart rate and burn more calories. Also check your local video store for fitness videos that you can do in the privacy of your own home. There are many great videos that work your body just as much as a challenging gym class and you don’t have to worry about anyone staring at the sweat dripping down your back and face. Maintain a regular exercise schedule of 45 minutes of aerobic exercise three to four times per week in addition to strength training and you will notice a change in your body very rapidly.

In terms of diet, the change that most busy workers need to make is to avoid fast food. Double cheeseburgers, fries and milkshakes are all heavily laden with fat, calories, and sodium – three things that will slow your weight loss effort down fast. Instead, eat a diet that is balanced and nutritious with a minimum of saturated fat, simple sugars and sodium. One easy way to make a diet change is to eat only organic. There are thousands of delicious organic options available and an organic-only diet naturally delivers you from the vast majority of fatty junk foods. Add plenty of vegetables and salads to your menu as well as regular protein for a giant boost to your weight loss program.

While losing weight on a busy schedule is difficult, it is by no means impossible. Exercise regularly, eat healthy, and you will see the pounds melt away.
Source: Freearticles.com
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