Attempted patricide in Kanifing

Friday, October 26, 2007

Basiru Janneh, was on Tuesday arraigned before Senior Magistrate Buba Jawo, accused of an attempt to kill his father on 13th October, 2007, with a knife.

He was also charged for hitting his father, Alhagie Malamin Janneh, all over his face, and thereby causing him actual bodily harm.

Basiru Janneh was also charged for unlawful and wilful damage to the window and door of the properties belonging to one Alhagie Malamin Janneh.

When the case was called, Basiru Janneh pleaded not guilty to all the charges preferred against him.

He was however granted a court bail in the sum of   D17,000 with one Gambian surety.   The case was then adjourned to 13th November for hearing.

Police Prosecutor Cpl 510 Touray, stood in for the IGP.

Author: by Salifu Touray