Fifa official on inspection tour

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

David Jabir, General Secretary of Bermuda Football Association is currently in the country as a special envoy of the world football governing body (FIFA) to asses the state of the facilities of the nation’s main stadium that will host the FIFA World Cup qualifier matches.

 It is a normal routine for FIFA to inspect stadiums of all the participating nations, ahead of any FIFA competition. As the 2010 World Cup qualifiers draw nearer, Mr Jabir, said it’s necessary for the world football governing body to come and asses the state of the facilities in The Gambia as one of the participating nations.

“I am indeed glad to be in The Gambia. I am on a inspection tour and it is a normal routine for FIFA to assess the state of the stadiums hosting the matches,” Jabir told Observer Sports yesterday.

Accompanied by Modou Gaye, GFA/FIFA’s Security Officer, who doubles as the Deputy Inspector-General of the Gambia Police Force and Bakary Terema Dahaba, Director of GFA Technical Centre, David Jambir made an intensive tour of the facilities at the Independence Stadium in Bakau.

Asked of his impression after the tour, the FIFA official was adamant to make his recommendations known to the press.

“I cannot talk to the press until after I meet with my host, the football association. I will submit to the football association my findings and they will decide whether to inform the press about it. Whatever I say now, it may have an effect on FIFA, and of course the football association. So, I don’t want to say anything that will bring about misconception,” said Jabir whose facial expressions signalled a state of satisfaction.

The FIFA official, at the end of the tour, is expected to hold a close door meeting  with the officials of the Gambia Football Association and Department of State for Youth and Sports, before taking leave to submit his report to the world football governing body.
The Gambia will know her world cup qualifier opponents, after the keenly-awaited draw in Durban on November 25, 2007.

Author: by- Nanama Keita