State House Press Boss Lauds Gambia’s Foreign Policy

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Director of Press and Public Relations (DPPR) Office of the President, Mr Ebrima J.T. Kujabi , has  described the growing number of foreign emissaries streaming into the country as a welcome development, hailing  the international community for the genuine trust and confidence they have shown and continue to show in the present  dispensation’s foreign policy under the stewardship of President Yahya Jammeh.

In a press statement sent to this paper last evening, the DPPR said: “The high number of foreign emissaries who presented their Letters of Credence to His Excellency President Jammeh last week is a patent indication of the fact that The Gambia is a fiend to the world. It also shows in unequivocal terms, the triumph of Gambian foreign policy.

“Brotherly states from the four corners of the world and the centre, from France to Mauritania, Morocco, Spain, have come to renew their friendship, trust and solidarity with our nation. Under the government of His Excellency President Yahya A.J.J Jammeh, The Gambia has opened its arms wide to embrace the world, and the  response is indeed great as the plethora of foreign ambassadors and envoys who have passed through the gates of State House last week testifies to,”the statement read.

The statement further noted that in many ways “Gambian foreign policy has triumphed. It is pragmatic, humanitarian, Pan African and peaceful. The strong role of The Gambia in peace keeping duties all over the world - Darfur, East Timor, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast - is a clear testimony to the peaceful and humanitarian bend of our foreign policy.”

The previous strain in The Gambia’s relations with some members of the international community was also brought into focus, accentuating the contrast with latest realities in the country’s international status. “Once upon a time, The Gambia’s friends were limited by ideological considerations. Now we are friends with countries of all shades of opinion as long as they stand for peace and respect of sovereignty. Progressive countries such as Venezuela, Iran are among the new friends of The Gambia.

“In Africa, The Gambia continues to shine in its dedication to the Pan Africanist ideals of respect for the dignity of the Black man and woman. This was amply demonstrated in 2006 when we hosted one of the best attended AU summits in living memory with a record attendance of African leaders. Also, and significantly, Gambians came out in large numbers to welcome the guests.”

The statement went on to affirm that it is in The Gambia’s long term interest to be friendly with the world, a fact already shown by the high number of foreign emissaries who presented their Letters of Credence last week.

“The Gambia under President Jammeh has a lot to share with her friends. Our stability and peace offers lesson to many other countries in the world. Also, our religious and ethnic tolerance gives good lessons to Countries of the world especially those countries disturbed by civil strife. Although not well endowed in natural resources, our country has managed a sound economy where salaries are paid on time, this also offers salutary lessons to all and sundry,” the statement concludes.

Source: The Point
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