AMMREN to be Launched Tomorrow

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Secretary of State for Health Dr Tamsir Mbowe will tomorrow preside over the formal launching of the African Media and Malaria Research Network (AMMREN) - the Gambia chapter at a ceremony to be held at the National Nutrition Agency conference hall in Kanifing.

AMMREN is a regional network body comprising journalists and scientists.

Speaking to this paper in an interview, Pa Modou Faal, Coordinator of AMMREN- the Gambia chapter said that the Network would strive towards fighting Malaria. He lamented that malaria is the number one killer disease in Africa, adding that the disease mainly affects children under five years and pregnant mothers.

Justifying the importance of the formation of AMMREN, Mr Faal who is also the President of Health Journalists Association of The Gambia explained that the Network is out to complement governments’ efforts in the fight against malaria. According to him journalists and scientists will be working hand in glove to ensure that Malaria is tackled in Africa. 

Mr Faal added that the Network will also work collaboratively with the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP), Medical Research Council (MRC) Centre for Innovation Against Malaria (CIAM) and the greater public to fight the disease.

Meanwhile, the official launch of AMMREN- The Gambia chapter will be graced by the National Patron of the Chapter Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara, former President of the Gambia and Professor Tumani Corrah, the Director of MRC- Gambia.

Author: By Soury Camara
Source: The Point
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