NewAfrican, New Heights

Monday, November 5, 2007

Daily Observer dedicates this editorial to a fellow Pan-Africanist magazine that has become a revered house-hold name across Africa and the African Diaspora since it first hit the newstands back in 1966, that heady decade of African Liberation. We wish to appreciate and honour its remarkable editor Baffour Ankomah, the man whose dedication and intellectual rigour and refusal to sell-out to the overwhelming neo-colonial propaganda has made NewAfrican the ‘Aljazeera of Africa’.

In an “Information Age” totally dominated by SKY, CNN and the BBC, with a concommittant demand that we view the world and accept “reality” as defined for us by this propaganda outlets, NewAfrican stands out as a beacon of light that refuses to short-circuit its Pan-Africanist point of view - and the truth. NewAfrican refuses to sell-out its African readership for comfortable acceptance by the Western media fraternity - and for a few dollars in aid (bribery really!).

In its recent issue covering Britain’s so called “Abolition of Slavery” (NewAfrican headlined it “How Britain Deceived The World”!), and the wide ranging two-issue debate on Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe, NewAfrican and Baffour have climbed even higher heights of journalism and intellectual rigour.

We wish to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank NewAfrican and Baffour for the priceless gift of enlightment and education that they continue to dispense to their African and Pan-Africanist readership. We also wish to commend NewAfrican to our readers. Daily Observer’s motto is “Forward with The Gambia”. New African’s uncompromising motto is “Forward with Africa !”

NewAfrica’s website, with daily updates of news from across Africa is .

Author: by DO