Where praise is due - Trawally praises Jammeh

Monday, November 5, 2007

Please note that if I keep quite about you, I tend to blame myself, for not doing justice. I believe everybody in The Gambia should remember you in their prayers, irrespective of religion. The reason is simple - you are caring, you are curing, you are devoted to the teachings of the Holy Book, you give out alms, you answer to our calls, and most importantly, you honour humanity.

Apart from my ambition, I want to remind myself and everybody living on the Gambian soil of your wonderful achievements, that   since you took over the reins of power, we have been eye witnesses to all events. The Gambians are satisfied with your leadership.

We the Gambians know where we were, and where we are today.

Your achievements for the Gambians could not be listed from figure one to infinity; some are hidden, of which you and Allah the Almighty knows (Bravo). The open secrets are, your intervention in sports has rated our sports to a Grade A level. I   think it is sports in general.

Education is the foundation for any   nation’s progress and today, we are proud of a young university, which   has produced best products.

  What is more to it, is the international recognition bestowed on this baby university (Yi Bravo Yi Bravo Doctor). Gambians are aware now, because they know all their   rights.

My President, “Enimbara” (bake bake, bake) is lingering in the minds and hearts of all Gambians whether by word of mouth or not.

Your concern for primary health care services in our hospitals has second to none. God the Almighty has given you a Medical Doctorate Degree. This honour on you is real and this is why when you cure, the sick are cured - (Bravo), thanks to the Almighty.

Equally, your farming activities have demonstrated to Gambians where you are from. Eventhough you are at the apex, you are the torch-bearer of the Gambian nation.

You are the 2:00 pm bright sun, you are the moon of our nation, and you are the only man respon sible for the affairs of The Gambia. Despite all these, you still hold an antique hoe and work with it at the farm.

Your recent visit to government offices testified that you have everybody’s interest at heart. I believe this attitude is a gift of God.

As an illustrious son of Africa , you proclaimed that there should be no war, but peace.   You have sent Gambian men and women to war zones for the maintenance of peace and security.

May Allah reward you here and hereafter.


Ansumana Trawally

Author: by Ansumana Trawally
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