Deyda Hydara Remembered

Monday, December 17, 2007

It was three solid years yesterday, December 16, since Deyda was shot and killed by unknown assailants. The media fraternity, family members and loved ones deeply regret the circumstances surrounding the death of Deyda. “We the colleagues will only be consoled if the killers of Hydara were brought to book, though we preferred having him alive than death.”

Yes the crime has been committed, though it could have been averted if all was well. How ever since the killers were not stopped until they carried out their heinous act, it is only proper and fair that the law takes its course. The onus is upon government to make sure the killers are brought to book.

Since December 16 2004, when our colleague was killed, journalists under the organization of the Gambia Press Union, which Hydara himself served at one time as Chairman (a position is now called President), have been feeling insecure as the killers of our colleague are walking freely and in disguise. The spectre of who the next victim will be keep on haunting us.

Hydara did not only stop at serving The Gambia as Chairman of GPU but was the Treasurer of West African Journalist Association (WAJA). This goes to tell how Deyda contributed to the socio-economic development of not only Gambia but the sub-region as a whole.

It is only in the good name of The Gambia and its government that all efforts are being recommended to bring the killers who are freely walking in the streets of the country to book. The Gambia’s press freedom record is down and that is not in the interest of anybody in or out of the country. The killing of Hydara and the closure of media outlets without a court order, for example The Independent newspaper, Citizen FM radio and Citizen newspaper and SUD FM radio are all contributing factors to the poor press freedom records of our dear country.

Journalists like any other class of people are not and cannot be above the laws of the country. If they act against the laws, the law should be applied as required. Equally if they step on other peoples’ rights the law could be applied. This has always been our position as individuals or as an organized group at the Gambia Press Union. But on the other hand if others also violate our rights the law should be applied.

It is in this line that we are also calling on the government to do whatever it takes to bring those who killed Deyda Hydara some three years ago to book. I am of the belief that if the Deyda file were not closed by now, some improvement would have taken place. I therefore call on the relevant authorities to reactivate investigations into the killing of Deyda.

I pray that his killers are brought to book in the soonest possible time. And to his family and colleagues I say keep up the courage.

Author: By Madi M.K. Ceesay - President of GPU
Source: The Point