Forging Business Linkages Between Africa and Asia

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) will hold the Fourth Africa-Asia Business Forum (AABF IV), a face-to-face business negotiation process between selected African and Asian firms, from 12 to 14 February 2007 at Kilimanjaro Hotel Kempinski in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The purpose of the Forum, which is a major follow-up event to the 2004 TICAD Asia-Africa Trade and Investment Conference, is to attract investment into Africa and to increase trade between the two regions.

One of the innovative features of AABF IV is to provide opportunities for expert services on SME lending schemes by organizing the Forum back-to-back with UNDP’s SME Financing Symposium. Interested companies, which will be screened and their profiles and project proposals matched with potential partners, are urged to apply through AABF IV GCCI which is the focal point in The Gambia.

The Forum organizers expect high attendance from Asian and African companies involved in agriculture and food processing, textiles, pharmaceutical and health products, furniture, machineries, construction, transportation, tourism, environment, energy and mining. This year, AABF IV is expected to draw members of the African Diaspora involved in business on the continent.

Target sectors:

The following sectors are given priority while other sectors will be given consideration based on the growth potential on a case-by-case basis:

Agriculture/food processing, textiles, pharmaceutical/health products, furniture, machineries, construction, transportation, tourism, environment, energy and mining etc.

The criteria for participating companies are:

ß  The identified Sector/Industry must be relevant to the country’s development;

ß  Corporate Governance Structure;

ß  Five Years Audited Report;

ß  Minimum Employment Level of Five;

ß  Growth Potential/Turnover Growth (to be confirmed by audit);

ß  Ability of company to finance participation in the Business Forum;

ß  Completed Forum Application Form (See attached);

ß  Minimum Matches of Four to receive Invitation;

ß  Priority should be given to companies run by women entrepreneurs

The participants are responsible for:

ß  Roundtrip air ticket to Dar es Salaam

ß  Fully completed Forum Application Form

ß  Company and Project Profile review of potential companies for business partnership

ß  Selection of companies from partnership region that are of interest for the matchmaking and one-on-one negotiation sessions

ß  Identification of maximum of two participants with their titles and CV

ß  Credit Card or cash payment required by hotel for room extras beyond Sponsors’ responsibilities

ß  All room service orders regardless of whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner and of  personal situation

ß  Local transport for personal trips and meetings

ß  Obtaining  visa for Tanzania

ß  Failure to appear for one-on-one interviews without 24-hour advance notification to the event’s management will result in expulsion from the Main Event and all its activities. This action by the Sponsors will include cancellation of hotel and other benefits of the Main Event

ß  Purchase of Exhibition Booths in advance of arrival

Organizers will provide:

ß  Hotel accommodation for a maximum of 2 participants per firm on shared twin-room  basis (11th in 15th out, February 2007)

ß  Breakfast (12th to 15th February 2007) and lunch (12th to 14th February 2007)

ß  Four sponsored dinners

ß  Local transport for event activities including airport arrival and departure

ß  Experts for event management

ß  Expert services on SME lending schemes

ß  Support personnel for event management

ß  Equipment and Technology for Forum Administration (e.g. computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, bank of computers for email, microphones, speaker systems, interpretation devices for plenary sessions, support personnel for meeting data and information requirements to facilitate negotiations and finalizing MOUs, etc.)

ß  Arrangements with local hospital for any medical emergency

ß  Interpretation Services for  plenary and negotiations

ß  Company and Project Profile Publication for matchmaking choices by firms prior to event

ß  Preparation of Non-disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement between the UNDP and each firm to ensure information gathered on deals concluded is secure. The  aim is to enable refinement of the event and to enable future sponsorship towards sustainability

ß  Provide access to Exhibition Booths for product and company displays

Deadline for application online: 19 January 2007

Interested members are urged to also contact GCCI on 4377190 and talk to Ms Beatrice Prom.

Source: The Point