Charles Jow VP Hails Level of Discipline in School

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Mrs. Sukai Secka-Sagnia, the second Vice Principal of Charles Jow Memorial Academy, has described the level of discipline in her institution as impressive. 

Speaking to this reporter in her office yesterday, Mrs. Sagnia said the high level of discipline among the pupils of her school could be attributed to a combination of factors such as the efforts of the school in inculcating high values in students. She pointed out that whilst some students are well-comported at home, they behave otherwise in school. 

She stressed the importance of self-respect claiming that they inculcate such in their children. Mrs. Sagnia said it depends on where the children come from. The vice principal further said that discipline is their watchword in their school. “We teach self respect,” she said. Children, she said, are supposed to abide by rules and always strive to do the right thing. She attested to her pupil’s consciousness of this by making reference to the order in the school even with the absence of the principal. “We consider our school as having a good administration. The Principal, Alpha Khan, and all the teachers... It is a concerted effort. The school children, care takers, teachers and principal know what they do. It is all a collective responsibility.  My principal is very concerned about discipline. We don’t run after children. They dress well in and out of school, unlike other school children. We see other school children go all over the place buying cigarettes, drinking ‘attaya.’ We see some fighting with their t
eachers but not our school,” she posited. She observed that it is good to have seasoned disciplinarians. Mrs. Secka–Sagnia further said that rather than impose they teach their kids the right thing, reasoning that without inculcating respect, children would do what they please and not what is right. “50% of parents come to find out about their children. There are peer group influences but we settle those in time. Two days upon opening we start work.

She said that they have monitoring and evaluating systems for teachers whereby they see them at work.

She concluded by calling on parents to join hands to inculcate discipline, not leave all for the teachers. “Discipline, Hard work and Achievement is our motto,” she stressed.


Author: By Augustine Kanjia
Source: The Point