Spanish impressed with Jammeh’s HIV/Aids treatment

Monday, March 12, 2007
Don Pishu G. Ifergan, Head of the Hispano Gambia Chamber of Commerce based in Madrid, Spain, has on behalf of his staff, congratulated President Jammeh on his break through in finding a cure to the HIV/Aids pandemic that has caused havoc to mankind since its discovery in the world.

In a letter sent to the Gambian leader, Don Pishu G. Ifergan said “While the whole world watches, Your Excellency find a lasting solution towards the HIV pandemic, I am joined by my staff in the Hispano Gambia Chamber Of Commerce in Madrid to congratulate Your Excellency on this laudable achievement which will benefit not only Gambians, but the world at large.

Considering your unreserved love for humanity and belief in your maker the Almighty Allah and your continued strive for peace and unity you have no doubt been endowed with special powers in the realisation of your selfless efforts in complementing medical experts in the cure for this terrible disease which affects the whole world irrespective of colour or religion.

We commend, Your Excellency, from the bottom of our hearts and pledge our continued support and prayers in its realisation.

Your Excellency has made The Gambia proud and Africa at Large and especially those who stand to benefit from your treatment. We pray Allah to guide you and give you all the required strength and fortitude always.

Please accept Your Excellency, Mr. President the assurances of my highest considerations.”
Author: Written by DO
Source: The Daily Observer
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