Jammeh could have found HIV/Aids cure... Licensed pharmacist admits

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Dr Ray Hinish, a licensed pharmacist and Vice-President and owner of Prescription for Health Wellness Clinic in the United States, has admitted that President Jammeh could have found HIV/Aids cure.

Dr Hinish’s statement was contained in a six-paragraph press release issued out to the Daily Observer yesterday.

According to Raymond Hinish, it is “absolutely possible” that President Jammeh has found an herbal formula that could cure many people suffering with HIV/Aids. “We must not dismiss this formula just because it sounds crazy,” he says. “We naturally assume that because the formula came to him in a dream that it must be an artifact of mental illness. We forget that this is precisely the way that the theory of relativity came to be, Albert Einstein saw it in a dream.” He does not suggest that this herbal concoction is a cure for HIV/Aids, he simply does not dismiss the possibility that it could be. “The knee-jerk reaction of conventional medicine is to dismiss unconventional thought simply because it is unconventional,” said Dr Hinish.

Many of humankind’s wonderful discoveries were presented to the inventor through the subconscious mind in the form of a dream. Otto Loewi, made his Nobel Prize winning discovery that nerve transmission occurs through chemical pathways through a dream. Kekule discovered the benzene ring through a dream of atom “being” that clustered before his slumbering eyes. Among the many discoveries, the most fascinating as it pertains to The Gambian story is of Madame C.J. Walker, the first self-made female millionaire.
Madame Walker founded the first African American cosmetic company, after a struggle with an unexplained scalp infection that caused her to lose all of her hair. In a dream one night, she recounts that a black man appeared to her and told her what herbs to mix up and apply to her scalp. Some of these herbs occurred in Africa. She sent out for the herbs an when she received them, mixed them up as described to her in the dream and then applied the concoction to her scalp. Soon her hair grew back faster than it had fallen from her head.
She then offered the same concoction to her friends for whom it worked. This formula then went on to become the flagship product that made her into a multi-millionaire. Is it possible that the dream world is the conduit through which the subconscious mind provides us with answers to our most pressing questions?
Author: Written by DO
Source: The Daily Observer
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