State House Press Director Urges Media Professionalism

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The Director of Press and Public Relations (DPPR) Office of the President, Mr. Ebrima J.T. Kujabi, has implored Gambian journalists to be responsible in executing their duties, adding that they should desist from what he called professional misconduct.
"Let us not allow ourselves to be used by unscrupulous elements for their selfish ends. Our role as journalists is very paramount considering the fact that our duty is very significant in the socio-economic development of The Gambia," he stated.

The State House image maker made this clarion call on Monday morning at his office in his first press interview barely two months after assuming office.

DPPR Kujabi further told reporters that government harbours no grudge against anybody including media practitioners, but emphasised that the security of the country would never be compromised.

According to him, his office will not relent in its bid to foster mutually beneficial government-press relations.

He also revealed that his office would come up with a mechanism that would bring media practitioners in the country under one platform of mutual understanding, trust and confidence.

Mr. Kujabi said: "I think you and I have been used so many times and I think it is time now that we woke up from our slumber. Let us revive our union for the betterment of the country and ourselves because the development of our country is the sole responsibility of each and every one of us."

Mr. Kujabi went on to call on Gambian journalists to promote President Jammeh’s breakthrough in the treatment of HIV/Aids, asthma and diabetes in the internet, radio and newspapers.

He said President Jammeh’s breakthrough in the treatment of the three hitherto intractable health problems is a laudable achievement for the country and that every Gambian should be proud of it, irrespective of political affiliations.

"President Jammeh’s treatment is free of charge and everybody can benefit from it despite our political affiliations. There is no discrimination in President Jammeh’s treatment and the patients’ improvement has been very significant. Let me tell you that those skeptics are only making noise about the President’s treatment. I wish they had got the opportunity to witness in person the magnificent treatment of the President," he said.

Turning to the issue of youths, the DPPR noted that government is alive to the welfare of youth, citing the blueprint Vision 2020 document as a case in point. He therefore called on youth to come together and complement government’s efforts in its quest to achieve the goals envisaged in Vision 2020.
Author: By Alhagie Mbye
Source: The Point
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