Four youths convicted

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Four youths have been recently convicted and sentenced to a fine of D15,000 each or, in default, to serve two years imprisonment by magistrate Pa Harry Jammeh of the Kanifing court. The convicts are Abdoulie Manneh, Ebrima Colley, Saikou Ceesay and Ebrima Manneh.

The four were charged with conspiracy to commit felony contrary to section 368 of the criminal code laws of The Gambia.

According to the facts of the case, one of the accused persons, Saikou Ceesay, was on December 10, 2006 arrested in Sunu kerr in Serrekunda with six packets of aluminium. Saikou Ceesay was interrogated by the police; he confessed to the charged proffered against him but was quick to add that he was not alone.

His co-accused persons were later arrested by the police. When the charge was read to them, they pleaded guilty to the charge. In their plea of mitigation, the four accused asked the court to forgive them and saying they will never do the act again.

In handing down his judgment, Magistrate Jammeh ordered them to pay D15, 000 each as fine or, in default, to serve two years imprisonment.
Author: Written by Lamin Njie
Source: The Daily Observer
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