Counsel for Alleged Husband Murderer Withdraws

Friday, May 11, 2007

The counsel for Ms. Tabara Samba has yesterday withdrawn his legal representation for Ms. Samba who is currently under trial for killing her husband by spilling hot oil on him.

Earlier on, Lawyer Modou Drammeh made an application in chambers to withdraw his representation for Ms. Samba but this was overruled by magistrate Pa Harry Jammeh on premise that the matter was before an open courtroom and that it was of public interest. The application was though granted.

Consequently, CSP Burama Dibba applied for the adjournment of the matter to enable Tabara secure a legal representation in the interest of justice.

In his ruling, Pa Harry Jammeh stated that the offence of which the accused was suspected to have committed is a capital one and that the family and the State could provide her legal representation. The case was therefore adjourned till 23 May 2007.



Author: By Soury Camara
Source: The Point