NaNA ends five-day training

Friday, May 11, 2007

National Nutritional Agency (NaNA), on Friday, 4th May concluded a five day training workshop on IBFABN strategic planning and project cycle management, held at NaNA Conference Hall in Bakau.

In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Malang N Fofana, Senior Programme Co-ordinator, IBFAN Gambia Chapter and Infant and Young Children Feeding (IYCF), implored the participants to fully participate and concentrate on the training during the course of the five days in order to produce fruitful plans that will determine the way forward.

For his part, the acting Executive Director of NaNA dilated on the importance of the workshop, adding that it is a step to promote optimal infant and young child-feeding practice. He further asserted that a well fed child will have less infection, and diseases, among other children.

The participants are made to know that the strategic plans of NaNA will show how to go about the implementation and how much money the implementation will cost.
The vote of thanks was delivered by Ajaratou Mbinki Sanneh, PMTCT’s Coordinator under NAC.
The workshop was funded by IBFAN and certificates issued to the participants.


Author: Written by Abdou Rahman Sallah
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper