Football final at UTG

Friday, May 11, 2007

Faculty of Science & Agriculture at the University of The Gambia will battle with their sister faculty, Medicine & Allied Health Sciences in a keenly awaited football final today at the Gambia Hotel School play-ground in Kanifing.

The grand final came on the heels of a heated tournament that gathered the various faculties at the nation’s highest institution.
The First Vice President of the Gambia Football Association who doubles as Chief of Defence Staff of the Gambia Armed Forces, Brigadier-General, Lang Tombong Tamba sponsored the tournament that is aimed at fostering unity and mutual understanding among the students of the different faculties at the University.

Today’s final is expected to be graced by scores of football enthusiasts, including the sponsor, Brigadier-General Tamba and the various Students’ Sub-unions of the University.


Author: Written by Nanama Keita
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper