Monday, May 14, 2007

The International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN), in collaboration with its partners, recently held their annual general meeting (AGM) at the NaNA conference room in Banjul.

The theme of the AGM was "IBFAN Gambia Chapter: How can we be heard at different levels?" The meeting was facilitated by Ms Armando Gani, IBFAN programme officer from Swaziland.

In her opening remarks, Ms Armanda Gani said the future of infant starts with adequate food and nutrition throughout the lifecycle, from conception to adulthood.

"Breastfeeding remains a human rights event in this new century and beyond," she said, adding that every woman has the right to breastfeed her child.

She also said African countries are faced with challenges with regard to the issue of women. Women, she added, are sometimes compelled to seek or undertake employment that undermine their integrity and health as well as sap the time they have for their infants.

She urged participants to properly dilate on the issues affecting the progress, rights and health of women.

For his part, Mr. Modou Phall, NaNA Programme Officer, reiterated the importance of the AGM, urging members of the network to share their ideas and experience with one another.



Author: By Abdoulie Nyokeh & Yai Dibba
Source: The Point