Bellac-Sifoe: a shining example of North-South Co-operation

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The relationship between the City of Bellac in France and Sifoe in The Gambia, has been elevated last week to another dimension. Barely three months after their twinned program, they are both exploring new areas of co-operation. 

EGALISE (Echange Gambie Limousin en Santé et en Education), Lions Club and Limoges Fire Fighters, jointly offered welfare services to Sifoe community and other sectors. Led by Dr Serge Thévenot, President of EGALISE, the twenty-five member delegation passed accross Spain, Nothern Africa before reaching the Smiling Coast of Africa! The Gambia. A caravan journey, which demonstrates the committment of the said associations, did not only build bridges between the two countries, but to serve Humanity in a selfless manner.

In an interview with the Daily Observer, Dr Serge Thévenot disclosed that they visited The Gambia from April 26th to May 8th, 2007.  He noted that during their stay they seized the opportunity to work with the Sifoe community, among other things. “We will look at ways and means to support the VISACA, create adequate conditions for a proper pharmacy’’, he explained. At this juncture, he also indicated that they have already engaged a nurse so as to enable the Sifoe community to have medical check-up every week. For medicinal purposes, the French associations offered large quantity of medicaments that valued over five million dalasis (one hundred and fifty thousand Euros).

According to Dr Serger Thévenot, the donation items comprised two fire engines and one ambulance which Gambia’s Fire Brigade is one of the beneficiaries. ‘‘We have been given the opportunity to meet with the authorities with the aim of exploring ways and means to expand ties’’, he said.

Pre-eminently, he thanked EGALISE’s strategic partners like the Restaurant MacDonald, Bellac Regional Council, Fire-Fighters Without Borders etc that all contributed in helping them to achieve their noble mission.


Author: Written by Abdoulie John
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper