Group Juboo disburses D1.5M to sub-groups

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Group Juboo Saloum in the Central River Region, last Wednesday disbursed a loan amounting to one million and eighty-five thousand dalasis to sixty-five sub-groups at a ceremony held in Panchang, Upper Saloum.

The loan disbursed to the various groups was given to  Group Juboo by the Community Skills Improvement Project (CSIP), in collaboration with Social Development Fund (SDF).

In his remarks, Mam Sait Jallow, Chief Executive Officer, Kuntaur Area Council said the loan is meant to empower them in skills improvement, adult literacy and poverty reduction.

He urged the groups to use the loan for its rightful purpose and called on them to pay back the loan on time.

Bukary Gaye, the Community Development Officer for Central River Region North, disclosed that sixty-five sub-groups will benefit from the loan, adding that it will greatly improve the skills of the women on Tie and dye, food- processing, omo and soap-making, among others.

He further urged and challenged the beneficiaries to wisely use the funds in order to alleviate poverty, and then advised them to settle the loan on time.

Omar Satou Sallah, President of Group Juboo, thanked CSIP and SDF for their efforts in poverty reduction, through empowering groups for income generation. He finally reminded the beneficiaries that the loans are payable in twenty-one months, with 15% percent interest.


Author: Written by Abdou Rahman Sallah
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper