RPFA on chickens and eggs marketing

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rural Poultry Farmers Association (RPFA) in Central River Region south recently launched a business campaign in the region. 

Mrs. Mam Tutti Njie, RPFA’s Zonal President in the region said her poultry association has enough fresh chickens and eggs for Gambians. 

According to her, “there is no need for the importation of chickens and eggs as far as her association is concerned.”

She then noted that RPFA has 15 branches across CRR south with a total membership of 550 women.

Mrs. Njie thanked SDF for their support in giving them a loan which, she added, will help them put up five poultry centres in the area.

She then added that SDF provides support for them, not only in poultry production, but also in animal husbandry and marketing.

She appealed to the government, NGOs to assist RPFA for support. For more information, simply phone 9811412/9909824.


Author: Written by Abdourahman Sallah
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper