Jammeh Grants Amnesty to Senegal Five

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Point has learnt through official sources that the Gambian leader Yahya Jammeh has granted general amnesty to the five Senegalese customs officials who were on Thursday convicted and sentenced to 18 months imprisonment with hard labour by the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court presided over by Magistrate Pa Harry Jammeh.

The five Senegalese customs officials are: Seigne Ngom, Pap Drame, Saidou Thiam, Yousou Diop and Aliou Thiam, who were on 6 February of this year arrested by the Gambia Security Forces for illegally entering Gambian territorial waters and carrying arms.

In handing down his judgement before a crowded court- room on Wednesday Magistrate Jammeh concluded that the prosecution had proven its case beyond reasonable doubt and had no choice but to convict the accused accordingly. “You are nothing but a bunch of bandits with an irate desire to cause havoc. Your actions are deplorable, geared towards threatening the peace and security of the country; therefore you deserve maximum punishment so as to deter others,” Magistrate Jammeh said


Author: By Pap Saine
Source: The Point