Jammeh, Alkharafi visit project sites

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Gambian leader, President Yahya Jammeh and his visiting Kuwait born business tycoon, Nasser Mohammed A Alkharafi yesterday visited the Alkharafi Kufuta Farm and the new runway, which is under contruction at the Banjul International Airport.
The Gambian leader and his Kuwait born business tycoon first port of call was the 215 hectares Kafuta Vegetable Farm in Kombo East. The farm is a pilot project that grows onion, potatoes and other vegetables, meant for both local consumption and export. Over 200 people are currently employed at the farm.

Soon after the tour of the Kafuta Vegetable Farm, President Jammeh and Nasser Mohammed A Alkharafi proceeded to inspect the 3600 metres runway at the Banjul International Airport by M A Kharafi and sons. The 14 million-dollar project is said to be one of the longest, if not the longest in Africa that can accommodate any type of plane.
The construction that started in July 2006 is likely to be completed in December 2007.


Author: Written by Lamin M Dibba
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper