Armitage SSS elects new councilors

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Armitage SSS elects new councilors

Written by Assan Sallah  

Armitage Senior Secondary School in Janjangbureh, last weekend elected its new councillors to assist the school administration in the daily affairs and activities of the school for the 2007/8 academic year.

Elections were conducted for both the morning and afternoon shifts students.

The elected councillors for the morning shift were, Saidou Bah as Head boy, Sulayman M. Sanyang- Deputy Head boy, Meta Barry- Head girl and Lumba Kijera as Deputy Head girl.

However, Yusupha Sanyang, the school Sergeant, Alhagie Kajakeh school Imam and Matarr Sawaneh, Senior Kitchen Committee member were also appointed by the school administration.

In a similar development, the elected councillors for the afternoon shift were: Amadou Njie as Head boy, Ebrima Saidy - Deputy Head boy, Sunkutu Fatty as Head girl and Jewo Bah as Deputy Head girl.

Ebrima Jammeh school Sergeant and Abdoulie Sabally -Town Ambassador were also appointed by the administration to exercise their duties.

Speaking to the Young Observer columnist shortly after elections, Saidou Bah the newly elected Head boy expressed delight on winning the election, adding that it was free and fair.

He promised to work hard to execute his duties without fear or favour. Mr. Bah also said that he will make sure that the academic standards of students are improved.

He advised students to be discipline at all times and obey the rules and regulations of the school.

For her part, Meta Barry Head girl of the school thanked the students for their trust and confidence bestowed on her, by electing her as a school Head girl.

She promised to promote discipline and encourage students to read their books.

Amadou Njie, Head boy of the afternoon shift, also promised to live up to expectation and improve the academic standards of students.

Sunkuntu Fatty, Head girl for the afternoon shift, advised the students to obey the school rules and regulations, urging them to be punctual in school.

Master Isaac Koroma, the school IEC Chairman for the elections, described it as a free and fair election.  He added that the results were accepted by all the students and that there was no case of chaos, mis-behaviour or interruption throughout the election process.

Alhagie Kajakeh, a Senior Mosque Committee Member, Yusupha Sanyang School Sergeant and Matarr Sawaneh Kitchen Committee member, all promised to execute their duties as expected.


Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper