Njogu Demba Launches Academy June 14

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

National senior squad new skipper, Njugo Demba, would launch his academy on June 14, 2007 in Bakau.

Established in the Gambia in February 15, 2005 and officially registered with the GFA on March 7th 2007, the academy has a number of 125 players in both boys and girls from the greater Banjul area.

Speaking to Pointsport yesterday at the academy office in Bakau, Ngogu Demba said that as a Gambian he wants to help in the promotion of sports in the country and believes that the grass root will be of a very vital avenue to start with.

He added that for football to be developed in the country, the kids have to intellectually sound for them to understand the teaching of the rules and regulations of the game.

Njogu revealed that their main aim is to reduce teenage pregnancy and drug abuse within the society thereby making The Gambia a better place to life.

He finally called on the general public to come and join him in the official opening of his academy on Thursday June 14 in Bakau.



Author: By Ndey Busso & Ebou Manneh
Source: The Point