Abdurahaman Dampha’s Case Raises Concern

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The dropping of Abdurahaman Dampha from the Gambia National U-20 team at the airport by Coach Bonu Johnson has raised a great concern among football fans in the country.

Abdurahaman Dampha alias Del of Gambia Ports Authority FC was on the official list of players selected for Canada Championship up to Thursday June 14th, 2007 when the team reported at the Banjul International to board flight to Dakar on their way to the United States of America.

But at his surprise, he was told at the Airport that he was not selected to take part in the first Gambia’s appearance in the World Youth Championship in Canada.

Yesterday the Pointsport received a letter from a concern football fan on the issue.

We hereby reproduce the full letter.

Dear Editor,

Kindly allow me space in your wildly read newspaper to set light on the issue of dropping Abdurahman Dampha, the newly selected under 20 footballer.

Sir, I don’t know much about football, but what we saw at the airport was not fair at all. We believe that a player can be dropped during the time of screening to the last day of selection and the final team selected will be announced to the public.

The whole nation has seen that after the selection, we have seen them at State House with the president. That was the final selected team and Abdourahman Dampha was there. The president gave each player 5 thousand dollars, if Abdourahman was not part of the team why take him to State House?  We all know that the president always sees the final selected team that will represent this nation to any major tournament. We have seen the president handing over the national flag to the team that is to represent the nation in Canada and Abdourahman was there. Then what happened? Can the technical committee tell us and explain to the president why his money was given to Abdourahman if he was not part of the team to represent this nation?

Abdourahman was dropped at the airport just seconds before take off.

Seedy Kinteh, Jammeh Bojang, Axi Gaye, Bonu Johnson and Lang Tombong, please explain to the nation what went wrong at the airport. Please correct me if I am wrong, the president gave out nineteen envelops to the players and the remaining three will get theirs in Canada that makes it twenty-two players in total and twenty-two envelops were given to twenty-two players so why go with twenty-one players? If not who was he replaced with? Because the rumours in town are that Ken Malamin Jammeh replaced him, which is not true. The president handed over the flag to Ken Malamin so it is not true that Ken replaced Abdurahaman.

Source: The Point