Tahir Ahmaddiyya MSSS holds speech day

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tahir Ahmadiyya Muslim Senior Secondary School in Mansakonko, Lower River Region, on Sunday June 10th 2007 held its 19th Speech and Prize Giving ceremony at the school grounds.

In his annual report, Tapehma A Kortu, Principal of the School, outlined the school’s academic and structural development over the year. He said that the school has obtained impressive results more than the previous year.

Mr. Kortu then announced that the fencing of the school compound had begun in annex. He commended the support of some sponsors, such as the Department of State for Education Girls Trust Fund Unit, Jammeh Foundation for Peace, Ahmaddiyya Hospital and Dental Surgery, Humanity First, Mansakonko Area Council and Cyfeillion- Sankwia Friends, for sponsoring some number of students attending the school. He further acknowledged the efforts of the staff of the School which are making impact in the school.

Jenieri B Sagnia, the Guest Speaker who deputised for the UNICEF Country Representative in The Gambia, commended the school for the trust bestowed upon him to be the guest speaker. He outlined the essence of quality education in the Gambian schools for both male and female students, as well as to foster equal potential development in the students.

Mr. Sagnia further pointed out that ‘a development effective educational strategy should focus not only on sending more children to school as the second Mellennium Development Goal is often interpreted, but also on maintaining or enhancing the quality of schooling.

“In fact, what matters at the end of the day is the degree to which schooling fosters cognitive skills and facilitates the acquisition of professional skills for development and poverty reduction. Reducing disparities in access to and in the quality of education reform to be goals that must be pursued simultaneously for any educational reform to be successful and contribute meaningfully to economic growth and development,” he said.

Amir Sahib Baba F Trawally, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the school and Amir of the Ahmaddiyya Muslim Jama’at, The Gambia, outlined three important themes on education.

He noted that quality education, discipline and the upbringing of the Gambian children are three very important themes that need to be considered.

These three elements according to Amir Trawally are meant for the attainment of a better life.

Miss Aminata Saidykhan, a Grade 10 Female student, gave an introductory remark while Master Ebrima Njie, the outgoing Senior Prefect, delivered the vote of thanks. Mr. Njie then advised his colleagues to take their work seriously and to be respectful to their teachers while in school and outside the school.

The climax of the event was characterised by a special drama presentation by the School Drama Society on the theme: “The role of education in national development and poverty reduction’.

At the end of the ceremony prizes were distributed equally among female and male students with the table been topped by the out-going Senior Prefect, Master Ebrima Njie.

Present at the ceremony were distinguished personalities, teachers, parents and guidance.

A light refreshment was held at the school library and a visit to the Girls’ Hostel to end the ceremony. Mr. Peter J Braima chaired the ceremony.


Author: Written by Buya Jammeh
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper