Gambians in United States to Reunite NADD

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This paper has had the privilege of having the information that some Gambians living in the United States of America are expected to meet on 1st September 2007. The meeting, according to unimpeachable sources, is to deliberate on possibilities of reviving the disintegrated opposition alliance in The Gambia, NADD.

According to our sources, the meeting will bring together opposition sympathisers within United States with the view to exploring avenues of building an alliance strong enough to put up a formidable challenge in any future election.

It could be recalled that six opposition parties namely UDP, NRP, PPP, PDOIS, NDAM AND GPP formed an alliance to challenge the incumbent, President Jammeh, in the September 2006 presidential elections but fell apart shortly before nominations of candidates.

UDP and NRP were the first to break out of the alliance, later joined by Hendry Gomez’s GPDP. GPDP filed in their own candidate who was disqualified by the Independent Electoral Commission. PDOIS, PPP and NDAM contested under the NADD ticket with Halifa Sallah as their presidential candidate whiles Assan Musa Camara of the GPP resigned as the Chairperson of the said Alliance. NDAM was the latest party to withdraw from the Alliance, leaving only PPP and PDOIS as the two remaining constituent parties of NADD.

Author: By Abba A.S. Gibba
Source: The Point