Opposition Register Condolence to APRC, Bereaved Family

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Barely 72 hours after the shock of last Sunday’s fatal accident, which left 10 people among the APRC campaign crowd dead, three opposition parties- United Democratic Party (UDP), National Reconciliation Party (NRP) and the Gambia People’s Democratic Party (GPDP)- have expressed sympathy with the family members and APRC leadership, militants and sympathisers on the tragedy.
The leader of the UDP, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe, said: “The tragic incident is indeed an unnatural loss. The death of one Gambian naturally bears some effect on the entire nation because that Gambian certainly has a beneficial role to play in our society.”

In the view of the UDP leader, “the manner in which these people lost their lives is very sad.” He therefore prayed for the departed souls to rest in eternal peace.

Mr Hamat Bah, on behalf of NRP, implored the Almighty Allah to grant the dead eternal home in Heaven. He also expressed his condolences to the APRC leadership and the families of the victims. Mr Bah called on all road users, especially drivers, to take great care whilst using the roads to protect the lives of the people they are carrying.

For his part, Mr Hendry Gomez also added his voice in sending condolences on behalf of his party on what he said was a very sad time for the APRC.

“This is not a party affair, so we should all join hands in mourning the death of these people,” he said.
He finally prayed for the affected families and the APRC to overcome the grief, and for the injured to make a speedy recovery.

Source: The Point