Guinean, 28 Arrested for Raping Five-year-old Girl

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The police yesterday arrested one Zakariya Jallow, 28, a Guinean national, for allegedly raping a 5-year-old girl. Mr Jallow, said to be in the same compound with the victim, was reportedly caught in his room in the attempt of forcing himself on the helpless little girl.

A reliable source informed this paper that the alleged culprit coaxed the little girl into his room yesterday with the promise of giving her D5.00, only to pounce on her.

The source continued that the little girl’s cries of agony attracted the attention of a lady, who then rushed into the room only to find Zakariya on top of the girl.

Meanwhile, the victim is reported to have been taken to the Bakau Health Centre, where it was clinically confirmed that she had indeed been penetrated. The girl was later referred to the RVTH for further examination.

The suspect, Zakariya, has since been arrested in connection with the alleged act and is currently under custody at the Bakau Police Station.

Author: By Abba A. S Gibba & Abu B. Janneh
Source: The Point