Gambia to attend US Cultural festival

Friday, January 18, 2008
The Bachinab Cultural Group based in Faji-Kunda, will leave the Gambia from  May 16 to 27,  2008  to participate in the 31 Dance African Cultural Festival  in Brooklyn, USA. This is the first time a Gambian cultural group has been  selected to participate in the annual cultural festival organised by Dance African Company.

The event among other things is aimed at  connecting African-American cultures,    revive the  rich traditional cultural norms and values of Africa as well as promote the development of the  spirit of arts and culture at local and  global  levels.

Dr. Chuch Davis, artistic director of Dance Africa Company, speaking to Arts and Culture expressed delight in associating himself with the  promotion of African culture especially, in The Gambia in particular.

He described The Gambia as peaceful and accommodating to all types of people. Mr. Davis spoke at  length  on the aims and objectives of his dance company  noting that, it is it an African-American assemble which  is  mandated to preserve  cultural  music  in African heritages.

He added  that the dance company is a powerful tool that can be  used in creating understanding that  leads to peace. “The Brooklyn Academy of Music  is the oldest presenting  theatre in the USA.  Dance Africa is the oldest  and largest festival in the USA devoted to presenting traditional   dance and music from Africa.

Bachinab  is first  cultural group selected to represent The Gambia  at the Dance Africa Festival”, he said.

The USA based cultural promoter did not  hesitate to  pay  tribute to The Gambian leader president Yahya Jammeh for  what he called his relentless efforts in  promoting, developing and preserving arts and culture in The Gambia. He equally  hailed the Daily Observer,  for  it’ s  consistent coverage of  cultural activities.

Pa Modou  Joof, manager of Bachinab  Cultural  Group is in charge of the group’s trip to the Brooklyn festival.

He expressed his deep sense  of gratitude to Dr Chuch Davis. He described Dr. Davis as a man of  vision whose   determination  for the  promotion and development  of arts and culture  is immeasurable.

The event according to him will greatly connect African- American cultures and the world at large. Mr  Joof  described  Bachinab  cultural group as  an excellent  group, which has won several trophies  at the Annual Kanilai International Cultural Festival organised by President Jammeh. Mr Joof expressed confidence that  the  Bachinab Cultural Group will raise the Gambian flag high in the USA come May 2008.

The cultural night was attended by actors, actresses, media practitioners and a cross- section of  people.

Author: by Sana Jawara