Opposition magnanimity

Friday, January 18, 2008

Please allow me space in your widely read newspaper to express my heartfelt appreciation to the leadership of the United Democratic Party (UDP).

According to a letter read on the nation’s only Television Station (GRTS), on Wednesday, addressed to the Gambian head of state, His Excellency, Alh. Dr Yahya Jammeh, the opposition party leader, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe, amply manifested the level of brotherliness Gambian people have always been known for.

I am happy enough to say that the Gambia as a country is one family where one person’s sorrow is equally felt by the other. Gambians share many things in common. It is the only country where people eat and drink together, sit and sleep together, and moreover interactively perform social events collectively, without any difference.

In the wake of this latest development, I wish to implore Gambians, especially those on the political platform, to emulate their leaders and exercise patience during political periods. It is just a matter of time and we will forget about it all and focus on our ongoing development process.

Once again, Mr Editor, I wish to join Mr Darboe and his entire party, the APRC party leader and the rest of the Gambian people to convey my heart-felt sorrow on the untimely passing of those innocent souls. May Allah forgive them and shower his infinite mercy and blessings on them.

Naffie Bittaye


Author: DO