Muslim Meditations

Friday, January 25, 2008

Translation of the Holy Qur’an marks  fulfilment of a mission

I seek refuge from the accused Satan and begin this discussion in the Name of Allah the Gracious, the Merciful.

They harbour the primitive Arab mentality and confused doctrine that women are subservient and have no say or right to participate in public life or nation building or even to express themselves when they are discriminated against or deprived.

Thank God, the advent of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Divine Law put an end to the barbaric Arab act of burying female children alive in the belief that the birth of a girl spells shame for a family.

If the new Law (Islam) did not put a stop to such uncivilized brutalities these confused Islamic scholars would have been preaching the slaughter of our girl children. They regard all national laws, democratic constitutional provisions and the very tenets of democracy as rubbish. Such confused scholars are inclined to take to fanatic tendencies characterized by aggressiveness, disrespect for our culture, contempt of authority and arrogance.

In fact most of our scholars are not even able to draw a line between the authentic and unauthentic Hadith. There are different classifications of Hadith. Many of them are so contradictory and remote from the life time of the Holy Prophet that they are not worth quoting at all. They are in the habit of quoting such confused Hadith in their unpopular preaching sessions and sermons.

Those days are gone when knowledge of Islam was the monopoly of a handful of clans, marabouts and scholars. This is the age of science and technology. It is only the lazy mind that can remain in the darkness of illiteracy.

Those days are gone when scholars can say any nonsense and get away with it unchallenged. Some of them return with a hidden agenda. We are all witness to the kind of chaos mullahs (Islamic scholars) are causing in Asia. We are witness to how they have thrown Pakistan into chaos and how they have aggravated an already anarchic regime in Iraq. We have seen how Muslims and Christians are each at other’s throat in Nigeria.

We have seen how Shi’ites and Sunnis are opening gun on one another in streets, mosques and homes. Look at the carnage they wrecked in the US on September 10/11. They hide behind the concept of ‘Jihad’ to pursue their selfish ends and motives. They and their families would sit at home and issue dangerous and misguided directives to the innocent masses and in the process lives and property are lost for nonsense.

Didn’t the Holy prophet and is companions live in peace and harmony with Jews in Medina, then called a different name? Didn’t he instruct his companions and followers to respect the culture of the Jews and other non-Muslim sects in Medina? What a perfect teacher he was. In Sura Al-kafirun didn’t he say to the disbelievers "I worship not that which you worship; nor will you worship that which I worship; and I will not worship that which you are inclined to worship; nor will you worship that which I worship; to you be your way and to me is my way". The Gambia is a secular state and if any so-called scholar feels he is not able to fit himself in our society, he is at liberty to leave.

They can go back to the Arab countries to live in deprivation, humiliation and racial prejudice. I implore the government to be very vigilant. There are some undesirable elements among our Islamic scholars whose action is driven by political ambition. If there movement is not put under active surveillance, they will end up brewing a militia of fundamentalists here, as is happening in some Asian countries where the mullahs are so influential that they have become a serious threat to the administration. 

Genesis of Islamic Councils in Africa

There are only few African countries where Muslims deem it necessary to form an Islamic council, association or union. In most countries, individual sects and interests identify themselves with a particular sect/school of thought.

Generally in those countries the different sects live in harmony and collectively they relate to their Christian brethren and other faiths harmoniously. The fundamental question many Gambians are now asking is ‘Is there any need for an Islamic Council in the country? Is the Council not causing more damage than good?

I ask those whose minds are exercised by such issues to remain patient. We have a leader who has a hidden lens and he subjects the conduct of our institutions, state or autonomous, to active surveillance. Usually he would wait until you hang yourself. Some day, the SIC will hang itself here.

Experiences differ in African countries where an Islamic council or union exists. The fundamental objective of an Islamic Council, be it supreme of minor, should be promotion of Islam in accordance with the Holy Quran, Sunnah and Hadith of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw).

The constitution and mission of a council or union cannot be founded on anything other than the exemplary conduct of Prophet Muhammad and his khulafa-Rashid. An Islamic Council must lay stress on unifying the Muslim community in a country, rather than branding some sects as ‘disbelievers’ or mounting campaigns against innovative enterprises taken by them.

A Council must be seen to be progressive, dynamic and neutral. It must be able to represent and protect the interest of all Islamic sects and foster healthy relationships with Christians and other faiths. A Council must recognize that it is not and it cannot be a substitute for the spiritual leader of any organized sect or interest.

A Council must be headed by people of unquestionable integrity and track record, not crooks, sinners and fanatics. A Council must not take to inciting trouble by dismissing and installing Imams against the will of the people.

A council should occupy itself with training Islamic scholars in simple techniques of preaching. Our Imams and Ustazes, I mean those who use the mass media or audio cassette recordings to send their messages, are so aggressive and unmannered that sometimes one wonders if they know the basic etiquette involved in preaching. Preaching is an art that you learn.

Author: DO