How many contacts should we have?

Friday, January 4, 2008
Please can you explain to me how many contacts a woman should have with a man before getting her pregnant, and how many times in a day?

I am not an orthodox doctor, but from what I have heard, read and experienced, you do not need a million contacts with a man/woman either in a day or month to make pregnancy occur.

According to orthodox doctors, as far as a man is virile and a woman is fertile and have sex without protection, a drop can do the blessing for you as married couple. In the same way a drop can also do the damage to you as unmarried people.

So expect a baby anytime you have unprotected sex. To avoid pregnancy, a woman must understand just three things. What are they? Your: "early safe days." Secondly, "baby days," and lastly,  "late safe days."

And for those that are new in the game, just a contact that might not even last for more than 3 minutes can make you impregnate a woman or got you impregnated as far as penetration and ejaculation has occurred. So be careful. If you have never started the game, stay away till you are ready and if you have started be careful and control yourself. Good luck!

An anonymous person sent the above short text. Be aware that Lovelines does not treat any letter or SMS text that does not contain the person’s name, sex, and age. Knowing these will help my quick response to your messages. This letter was answered because of the importance of the questions, and I assumed that a first timer girl/boy who impregnated wrote it.

Author: by Yunus S. Saliu