Muslim Group Extends Thanks to Benefactors

Monday, January 7, 2008

Diara Sheikh Ahimad Tijah Sheriff, a group of poor blind Muslim men and women in the Gambian community, has extended thanks to all those groups which have supported it in its work. The group works with government and civil societies to help prevent blindness through a range of methods including outreach programmes and sensitisation through the media.

Sheikh Foday Wadda is a consultant with the group and has singled out Muslim Aid UK and the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief for particular praise. He says that through the support of these groups and other organisations and philanthropists, the group has been able to help many people.
This helping hand has been particularly made available during the times of Ramadan, Quban and Eid-al-Adha.

Sheikh Foday Wadda also calls on other philanthropists and organisations to come on board and help to improve the lives of the poorest of the poor blind people through the promotion of education, training and social inclusion.

In conclusion he prays that the Almighty Allah gives us all long live and a happy New Year in 1429 (2008).

Source: The Point