LOVE LINES - It is Valentine’s Day please be my Val

Friday, February 1, 2008
What a memorable and heroic day, February 14 is? A day that started some hundred years ago, it is now becoming more famous every year within both the old and young ones.

The old refused to graduate from the excitement of the day, while the young are yawning to see the day so that they can express their inner feeling and attraction, which is more than the message behind the remembrance to their admiring the friends.

Valentine’s Day is one of the days that gathered and attracted different opinion/stories from people since there is no exact person that can narrate the exact stories as it was transpired in February 14 269 AD before and the day that marked the death of Saint Valentine.

No matter what, some love experts relayed it that Valentine’s Day originated from Saint Valentine, A roman, who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity till he died on February 14, 269, which coincided with a day set aside to love lotteries. Some legend says that Saint Valentine who was serving jail before his death left a farewell note for the jailer’s daughter, who had become his friend when he was in the jail. He signed a farewell note that read " love from your Valentine" to her.

Another story that is synonymous to the day is that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius who had him jailed for defying him (his rules). So, in 496 AD (227 years later) Pope Gelosius set aside February 14 to honour Saint Valentine.

Since then the day gradually became the date for exchanging of love messages while the name became the patron, intermediary, instrument, backbone, and strength for the lovers. In the beginning mostly in the west, the date was marked by sending poems and gifts such as flowers, cards, and light items.

Also there was often a social gathering or occasion for get-together. But now in Africa it is time for admirers to express their love, caring and reconciliation to the one they cherish and more especially to seal the existing love.

The day has been commercialised with commercial love cards, frames, flowers, and club parties, with different celebrations to mark the day.

The spirit of good continues as Valentine’s presents are send out with sentimental, emotional verses, feelings and school children and some office workers exchange valentine cards with the words ‘you are my Val’ and ‘be my Val.’

More so, in ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday to honour Juno who was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses. They also know her as the goddess of women and marriage. Because of this, February 15 started the feast of Lupercalia.

Okay, let’s talk more about this; the lives of young boys and girls were strictly separate. However, it is a custom of the young people’s names to be drawn on the eve of this festival of Lupercalia.

That is, names of Roman girls will be written on slips of paper and placed into jars. This will enable each young man to draw a girl’s name from the jar and they would become partners for the duration of the festival with the girl whom he chose. This pairing can last for the whole year and sometime they can fall in deep love and get marry.

Saint Valentine was jailed for the reason that he defied Emperor Claudius II who cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome because he was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his military leagues.

He believed that the reason was that Roman men didn’t want to leave their loves or families. The good and lovely Saint Marius then aided the Christian martyrs and secretly married couples. For this kind deed, Saint Valentine was caught and dragged before prefect of Rome, who sentenced him to be beaten to death with clubs and to have his head cut off.

Valentine suffered martyrdom on the 14th of February 269 AD, which was coincided with Lupercalia, a feast in honour of a heathen goddess in Rome as mentioned earlier.

To be continued

I found a girl to give me comfort


Can you please help me on this my problem? I have a girl who is in UK that calls me every week. I don’t know when she will come back to the Gambia because she is too far from me. Since every man needs comfort, so I found one girl to give me the comfort that I want. But now I found myself in the cheating position. I don’t know what to do I really love the girl who resides in UK for marriage while the one in the Gambia is only giving me the comfort that I need.


I know the comfort you are referring to but you should have reach a decision with her to know the type of love you have for each other whether it is the one that will lead you two to the altar. But if it is not, you are free to continue receiving your comfort from other end. But one thing is that you never make up your mind either to marry the lady abroad even the one with you here have no seat. Definitely you are on enjoyment rail. So do not claim that you love the girl in UK anymore, but say you like her. Remember that "he who desires but acts does not breed pestilence," according to William Blake but can cause it. Good luck!

He wants to fling into other girl’s arms


Am dating a guy I love so much and I believe he loves me the same way I do. My guy wanted to fling with other girl just for sex because I can’t give him and I don’t want to lose him. So please advice me.


Really If your guy do love you, what he need to do is to plan how you will become one than to fling with another girl just because of sex. Either his decision is to your knowledge to dance to his sexual libido or not. Reason, anytime he start having sex with another girl his love for you will start to diminish. You will stand to regret it because she will be closer to someone he practice body chemistry with than you who will only sits at the edge of the bed while he is lying in the middle of it without your palpation. Think wisely. Good luck!

I have emotional lover fever


For almost 3-month now I am having emotional love fever. The only lady I ever love in my life and wished to marry caused this. My love life with women in the past was on hit and run side. I never planned of loving any woman until I met this lady. All in my past I am always do hit and run love.

I love this lady 100 per cent and care for her because she made me turned over a new leaf that I decided to marry her. I gave up my profitable job and my flamboyant living life style because of her and this brought disharmony between my family and I. She knows everything about my past and present.

But now I do not understand her anymore and I don’t know the cause of this. Many times I have been trying to talk to her but she always say ‘I’ll call you.’ Everybody is asking me about her because we are just 500m away from each other. What do you think can caused are coldness towards me because we do not quarrel? She is 22 while I am 25.


It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. So what you need to do is to talk to your heart and think of what has transpired between two of you. Also think of what you argued upon either jokingly or with annoyance that is not far to the beginning of her coldness for you. If you get any clue, go to her immediately and iron it out.

Do not accept ‘no’ for yes or ‘I will get back to you later.’ Reassure her of your love, because something has wronged somewhere. But if she is still acting strangely give her break she will surely come back but it might be too late then. Good luck!

He wants his name on my property’s document


I am 35 married to a man who reside in Europe. He wanted me to add his name to my acquired landed property by force but I refused. Since then there is no peace between my husband and I.

He even stopped sending the fish money at the same time he now call only once in two months without emotional words. I am confused Lovelines. We married two years ago no children yet and he has been staying in Europe for 20 years, which means we scarcely know each other. At the same time he is from one of the neighbouring countries.


Without any reservation, I will advise you not to include his name. He has no right to coax you to add his name to any of your acquired property unless you wish to do so. As a man, he supposed to work hard to raise and acquired properties for his family.

Though he is your husband that owns you but you still have right to your own decision and personal life. If you have any child for him you can easily acquire property in the name of the child not on his own name. His coldness or acting strangely like stop sending fish money and his calling once in two months portray him to be a gold digger (sorry to say this, but his action shows it). However, I do not know how deeply you love him or he too love you, but be careful. Good luck!

I don’t intend to marry her


There is a lady that I am dating that I do not intend to marry but she is not thinking of separating herself from me. Although I love her as a girlfriend, what am I going to do when it comes to marriage?


Do you really know the meaning of like and love? If you do, think of the one you have for her if it is just likeness, which means you have no place in your heart for her. So stop disguise and tell her that you only like her for fun not for love and marriage. The earlier you let her know that you will not marry her the better before it is too late. To leave her is left to you to decide. But do not raise any woman’s hope for anything, it can result to emotional crack. Good luck!

Why are men callous?


I am a young lady of 32 and wish to meet the love of my heart one-day. But why are men so callous and always not see with their heart when it comes to choice? Why is it that men always think that every woman is the same? My choice man must be someone that is ready for marriage not a playboy, educated, Caring, and God-fearing. Do you think there are still men of this description?


Yes there is some discipline, educated, religious with self-esteem men out there. It is not all men that are callous when it come to choice of a woman. However some are like that probably because of the treatment they has received from women in the past. Anyway, if you match the description in the above why don’t you text or chat with Lovelines as usual. But if you are less than 32, and not ready to tie the knot please do not bother yourself. Good luck!

I am confused he’s cheating on me


It is 2 years that I have been dating a guy. Am 18 and he is19 we are living in the same street. I love him very much and he said he does too. I found out that he was cheating on me few months’ back.

When I inquired about this from him he denied it, but I later caught him with the girl. He said it was a mistake and broke up with the girl since then I don’t go to his house and there is no communication between us as well. However, we do not call it quit. We are just like casual friend. Should I leave him or call him for discussion? Please say something.


You still love this your guy despite her cheating on you. It is obvious, so why are you wasting the time? Do you know that there is no disguise, which can hide love for long where it exists, or simulate it where it does not? So, have a discussion with him and continue from where you stop.

But tell him how jealous you are and that you do not want another person to take him away from you but if he doesn’t want you any more, kiss him goodbye and wait for a guy that will love and be honest with you. Good luck!

She doesn’t want my outing


I am 26-year-old. I broke up with a woman I have dated for 11 months before I met a woman in one of the nightclubs recently. We chatted and exchanged contact numbers. I lover her but any time I ask her for outing she always refuse.


Well if she refuse your outing invitation, which means she is observing you. It is now left for you to make yourself closer to her. Visit her and chat with her emotionally. This will attract her to you and gradually she will create or develop feeling for you. But in your heart how what did you chat about before you exchange contact numbers? Review it if it is words of love or just casual. So her response depend on the chat you have together. Try harder, with time she will surely succumb. Good luck!

Problem shared is problem solved. Have you any contribution to share with Lovelines? Send your text message to 7790689, 6560592, or email

Author: by Yunus S. Saliu